来源:华强LED网 作者:--- 时间:2012-02-29 17:35
China International Exhibition Center, 6 East Beisanhuan Road, Beijing, PR China
【主办单位】中国照明学会 China Illuminating Engineering Society
雅式展览服务有限公司 Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd
【协办单位】北京雅展展览服务有限公司 Beijing Yazhan Exhibition Services Ltd
汇聚照明新科技,共享美好光环境! (For a Better Lighting Environment)
(High-level forums addressing hot topics in the industry will be held during China Lighting Expo. Lighting Experts from academic Iinstitutes and top enterprises will be invited to make speeches on the most innovative technologies as well as to provide market updates for the participants.)
2.品味优秀照明设计作品,感受视觉盛宴(Enjoy the Top Lighting Design Works at LED Artist Show)
Meet with Master Designers at Light.Design.Ju Designer Salon & Cocktail Party
(Light.Design.Ju designer salon and cocktail party to be held during the exhibition will provide an open platform for lighting designers, end users and exhibitor to discuss lighting environment, to interact and to do networking.)
电光源 Electrical Light
LED及OLED照明技术 LED and OLED Technology
装饰照明 Decorative Lighting
专业照明Technical Lighting
照明控制系统 Lighting Control
灯具配件及电子附件 Accessories and Electronic Component
照明工程 Lighting Engineering
照明设计 Lighting Design
照明管理 Lighting Management
检测及认证服务 Testing and Certification
行业协会及媒体 Association and Media
电 话 : (852) 2811 8897
传 真 :(852) 2516 5024
电 邮 : light@adsale、com、cn
官方网站 :www、ChinaLightingExpo、com