NI发布全新品牌 倡导Engineer Ambitiously 迈入新时代
国家仪器(National Instruments)今天发布全新的品牌标识,包含新的公司标识、视觉形象和增强的数字体验,以此展开新品牌宣传,庆祝并致敬每天践行Engineer Ambitiously?的工程师、企业和他们做出的贡献。从现在起,国家仪器将名称简化为“NI”,公司致力于将勇于突破的人才、思想和技术联结在一起,推动我们的世界前行。同时,为分享那些志存高远的人和故事,公司在官网开辟Perspectives专栏,NI首席执行官Eric Starkloff在今天发布开篇致辞。
“NI的核心是致力于赋能工程师人群,是他们在为我们解决今天、明天乃至下一个百年的问题。”NI首席营销官Carla Pi?eyro Sublett表示:“我们的客户正在这个世界留下他们的印记,他们灿烂的功绩激励着我们所有人,他们创新的壮举将对整个星球甚至更广阔的领域产生影响。我们全新的品牌形象融入他们的故事,铭刻他们非凡的工程创造力,并致敬他们对整个社会的贡献。”
“我们正在开发先进的等离子火箭推进技术,它将使各种地月间和外太空间技术的商业应用成为可能。”Ad Astra首席执行官兼总裁、美国宇航局宇航员名人堂成员Franklin Chang-Diaz博士表示,“NI是我们这一旅程中关键的技术合作伙伴,我们将重新定义下一代的太空旅行,它的测试和测量技术使我们能够专注于自己最擅长的领域—为人类下一个巨大的飞跃做好准备。”
NI CEO 公开信
国家仪器(National Instruments)一直在改变,为了更好地服务你们——致力于创造非凡、应对世界最艰巨而紧迫的挑战的工程师和企业。
National Instruments has been transforming to better serve you—the engineers and enterprises creating extraordinary solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
您可能已经注意到了一些变化。首先,我们将公司名称从“国家仪器 (National Instruments) ”简化为“NI”,NI服务全球市场,而我们所做的也早已超越了单纯的“仪器”。我们有了全新的形象,代表我们以人为本的思想,也承载我们带给人类积极影响的承诺;我们有了新的logo,它代表NI对工程技术的前瞻性思考;最后我们新一代的企业官网也已经上线,期待为您带来更好的体验。
So, you may notice some things look a little different about us. For starters, we’re shortening our name to NI to acknowledge the global markets we serve and because we do so much more than create “instruments.” We have a new look that reflects our people-first mindset and commitment to making a positive impact on humanity. We launched a modernized website to improve your experience. And we have a new logo to illustrate our forward-thinking approach to engineering.
Why change now? When we were founded, we set out to do one thing: radically improve how engineers innovate. Today, that responsibility remains unchanged. But a lot has changed over the past 40 years. Your businesses and technology are more complex, and we’re all moving faster than ever.
The events of the last several months have also changed our lives. The gravity of those events made us stop and reflect if now was the right time to introduce these changes to you. But to us, the answer was clear: our world needs engineers now more than ever. From low cost ventilators to clean energy systems to the communication devices we rely on every day to stay connected, we live in a world built and defined by engineers and technology. And it’s their passion and innovation that will ensure we come out of this challenging time stronger.
Most are referring to this situation as the “new normal,” but we want to aim higher than that. We want to help create a better normal for your businesses, for your customers, and for society. After all, isn’t that the spirit of engineering—the ethos of constantly striving to improve a design, solution, or outcome?
三年来,我们不断思考、逐渐推进业务和组织架构,融合人员、想法和技术之间的内在联系,从而能够更好地满足您的需求。今天,我们为您量身定制、软件互联的方法鼓舞着工程师们大胆创新——在半导体、航空航天、国防和政府部门、汽车、医疗、学术以及能源等等行业中,他们正在快速地将改变世界的想法变为现实。NI的新时代由我们每个人以勇气和锐意书写,我们一起Engineer Ambitiously。
That’s been our approach: we’ve spent the past three years connecting the right people, ideas, and technology to steadily transform our business to better match your needs. Today, our tailored, software-connected approach is emboldening engineers across the industries we serve—semiconductor; aerospace, defense, and government; automotive; medical; academia; energy; and more—to rapidly bring world-changing ideas to life. This new era of NI is defined by a bold call to action to each of us to Engineer Ambitiously.
Engineer Ambitiously就是我们共同畅想并彼此助力,创造一个更美好的未来。积跬步以至千里,积小流以成江海。我们相信所有伟大的成就,都是从曾经微不足道的创新之举累积、突破而来。在NI,Engineer Ambitiously意味着充满好奇并勇于冒险,因为我们知道今天所学的一切都将指引我们迈向未来。与此同时,各位践行Engineer Ambitiously 所解决的挑战、取得的成就都深深地鼓舞着我们。
What does that mean? To Engineer Ambitiously is to envision and then solve for a better future, one that we can create together. It means recognizing that small innovations add up to significant progress and taking steps to turn that progress into something bigger. At NI, we Engineer Ambitiously by being curious and willing to take chances because we know everything we learn today will guide us into that future. And we get our inspiration from the work you do to Engineer Ambitiously and solve so many important challenges.
As we kick off this new era, know that we’re here for you, for each other, and for the next generation of innovators who think bigger, aim higher, and go faster.
就是现在,让我们一起Engineer Ambitiously.
It’s time. Let’s Engineer Ambitiously.
To engineer ambitiously is to envision and then solve for a better future, one that we can create together.
Our world needs engineers now more than ever.
Engineer Ambitiously就是我们共同畅想并彼此助力,创造一个更美好的未来。
- Eric Starkloff, CEO, NI
“We’re developing advanced plasma rocket propulsion technologies that will enable a variety of commercial, cislunar and deep-space applications,” said Dr. Franklin Chang-Diaz, CEO and president of Ad Astra and a member of the NASA Astronaut Hall of Fame. “NI is a critical technology partner that’s been by our side throughout this journey, one that will redefine space travel for generations to come. Its test and measurement technologies enable us to focus on what we do best – preparing for mankind’s next giant leap.”
“我们正在开发先进的等离子火箭推进技术,它将使各种地月间和外太空间技术的商业应用成为可能。”Ad Astra首席执行官兼总裁、美国宇航局宇航员名人堂成员Franklin Chang-Diaz博士表示,“NI是我们这一旅程中关键的技术合作伙伴,我们将重新定义下一代的太空旅行,它的测试和测量技术使我们能够专注于自己最擅长的领域—为人类下一个巨大的飞跃做好准备。”
- Dr. Franklin Chang Díaz, CEO and Founder,Ad Astra Rocket Company
- Ad Astra Rocket公司创始人/CEO,Franklin Chang Díaz博士
“More than 40 years ago, NI disrupted the automated test and automated measurement market to empower engineers across industries to reach their highest ambitions. As we’ve seen in recent months, technology and engineering are more important than ever to support the complex and evolving needs of humanity. This new era of NI will catapult engineering innovation and elevate the importance of test and measurement. I can’t wait to see what’s next for NI.”
“ 40多年前,NI颠覆了自动化测试和自动化测量市场,赋能各行各业的工程师实现了自己最远大的抱负。近几个月以来我们看到,伴随人类不断发展、日益复杂的需求,技术与工程也比以往任何时候都更为重要。NI的新时代将推动工程创新,并将测试和测量提升到一个更重要的位置。我迫不及待地想要见证NI的未来。”
- Kiran Uni, Vice President, Frost & Sullivan
- Frost&Sullivan副总裁Kiran Uni
“Some may think NI is just another member of the test and measurement industry. The truth is the company has been building software platforms to enable enterprises, engineering organizations, educational institutions, and others to create solutions that power today’s 5G networks, assisted and autonomous driving systems and many other advanced technologies for several years. It’s great to see the company embrace that broader vision, move to expand their capabilities and take action to help engineer solutions for some of the world’s most complex challenges.”
- Bob O’Donnell, President of TECHnalysis Research
- TECHnalysis Research总裁Bob O’Donnell
“Technology is constantly evolving, so it’s difficult to predict exactly what the next 10 or 20 years will look like, let alone the next 100. While innovation ebbs and flows, a commitment to understanding your customers’ needs is timeless. NI is reaffirming itself as the leader in knowing what its customers need to be successful. Beyond that, NI is embracing the responsibility of helping to achieve engineering solutions for the global challenges we currently face and will continue to face.”
- Patrick Moorhead, Founder, President and Principal Analyst at Moor Insights & Strategy
- Moor Insights & Strategy创始人/主席/首席分析师Patrick Moorhead
I don’t feel like I’m working with a vendor. I’ve got a partner by my side.
我感觉不像是在与供应商合作, 更像是拥有一个伙伴。
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